Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday Bash 2.0

Hi it’s Maryna currently coming back from hilarious awards night at Hardees! Thanks to the senior boys Matt and Tom with a little help from birthday kids Charlie and Losh, we all had a great laugh!!!! LOL! We had a fun climb up to the waterfalls again today and also did great work at our home again!!!!! Now handing off to Charles!

Charles here. Today was my birthday and I’m glad it was. Tom, Matt, Lacey and I are the new champs for best awards given. Each member of the team had their own contributions to help create the awards. Matt added the intellect and cleverness, Lacey knew the inside scoop with all the girls very well, Tom had the artistic ability of Picasso and I was a mush. See you soon and now to Matt.

We’re on the road Jack. It’s Matt Hennessy currently maxing out in the van, and we’re on our way to the top of the mountain.  Despite the fact that it’s 10:00 p.m. and we won’t be able to see anything on the horizon, the UPY’s are in desperate need of some cellphone reception. It has been too long!  Otherwise we had a super great day at the worksite with the sweetheart Diane and her girls Laney and Bailey.  It’s always great to have a little extra help around the house.  Keep it real HOMIES!!


  1. Glad you are all having a productive time and having fun! Happy Belated Birthday, Charles!!

  2. Glad you are all having a productive time and having fun! Happy Belated Birthday, Charles!!
